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Unlock the potential of every student

Support every student’s growth with an integrated learning and wellbeing platform

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Hear what educators say about Bloum


Access a unique integrated platform for student growth and enjoy the following benefits

Make confident evidence-based decisions

Access correlated results from your LMS, NAPLAN, ACER PAT, Allwell and student wellbeing to make more informed decisions.

Drive student growth in learning and wellbeing

Understand every student’s journey, find suggested interventions for their specific needs, and track the impact of teacher support.

Take students and parents on the full student learning journey

Engage students and parents by showing them the correlation between achievement, attendance and wellbeing using the Student.

Take advantage of consulting experts with 15+ years of expertise

Our expert consulting team will guide the implementation of the platform to ensure you can maximise its benefits.

Holistic view of student growth

See beyond isolated data walls and discover insights across cohorts and classes. Understand the links between different aspects of student performance with our unique Holistic Wall

Discover insights across cohorts and classes

Identify students or groups that need special attention

Find growth patterns and areas for intervention

Notice students that could boost their result with more support

See standardised tests, attendance and wellbeing insights at a glance

Give students a voice with a Wellbeing check-in

Give students a voice in your school! With our built-in Wellbeing check-in survey tool based on ARACY’s framework, students can tell you what’s going on in their lives. Our integrated Wellbeing dataset combines Wellbeing metrics with Teaching and Learning information, truly providing teachers with a holistic view of students and classes.

Use our evidence-based survey to monitor student wellbeing

Allow students to easily request help from a staff member of their choice

View Wellbeing insights and Teaching and Learning insights in one place

Monitor wellbeing patterns and trends across time

Identify areas for intervention across cohorts, classes and individuals

Drive student growth this year!

This is your opportunity to make confident decisions that drive student growth

What you get with your Bloum subscription

Learning & Wellbeing Insights

Student Growth in Context

Suggested Interventions

Testimonials from Bloum app users


Up to 999 students

$ 6,900 Annual Subscription

Between 1000 and 1799 students

$ 9,850 Annual Subscription

1800 students and above

$ 6,900 Annual Subscription

A variable integration fee might be considered depending on the amount of integrations needed and the school’s systems complexity

Frequently asked questions

Yes, Bloum is a robust platform that ingests data from multiple sources. Whether through an API or a CSV upload, Bloum will be able to seamlessly consolidate all your school data.

Not at all! Bloum is easy to use by anyone who is passionate about supporting student growth — you don’t need to be data- or tech-savvy. By using Bloum, you’ll be able to spend more time with your students and less time in front of a computer.

Yes, absolutely. We adhere to internationally recognised standards including ISO 27001. We store all data in compliance-certified Australian data centres.

We comply with internationally recognised security standards including ISO 27001. Bloum’s data is safely stored in high-security data centres in Australia.

We need to spend a few weeks with your IT team to make sure we are considering the relevant data you have in your school system. Schools can generally start using Bloum one term after they make the decision to implement it.